(2014·江西师大附中高三质检)________,I think the movie is mo..

(2014·江西师大附中高三质检)________,I think the movie is moving,interesting,and worth spending time on.A.In order B.In peaceC.In return D.In summary


Violence of any sort will be as evil by the entire internati..

Violence of any sort will be as evil by the entire international community.A.condemnedB.scoldedC.criticizedD.blamed


The visiting group ________ famous football players.A.consi..

The visiting group ________ famous football players.A.consists ofB.makes upC.includingD.insists of


Mrs.Smith finds it hard to clear up the mess, as her child..

Mrs.Smith finds it hard to clear up the mess, as her children are always ________ whenever she tries to.A.in the wayB.on watchC.in sightD.on the line


Completely ________in my writing, I didn't feel a heavy rai..

Completely ________in my writing, I didn't feel a heavy rain coming outside.A.absorbingB.absorbedC.losingD.caught
