单选题:____our mother will allow ____ to see a film after supper?A..

____our mother will allow ____ to see a film after supper?A.Who do you think, leavingB.Who do you think, to leaveC.Do you think who, leavingD.Do you think who, to leave

I rememberedthe door before I left the office, but forgot to..

I rememberedthe door before I left the office, but forgot to turn off the lights. A.lockingB.to lockC.having lockedD.to have locked


Mike apologized for _______ to inform her of the change in t..

Mike apologized for _______ to inform her of the change in the working plan.A.his being not able B.him not to be ableC.his not being ableD.him to be not able


____ for its well-preserved ancient Tibetan houses, Dukezon..

____ for its well-preserved ancient Tibetan houses, Dukezong was one of the most popular resorts in Shangri-la.A.KnowingB.To knowC.To be knownD.Known


Eugene's never willing to alter any of his opinions.It's..

Eugene's never willing to alter any of his opinions.It's no use ________ with him.A.to argueB.arguedC.arguingD.having argued


The performance of the host, _________ to please the audienc..

The performance of the host, _________ to please the audience and draw their attention, was greeted with a cold silence, however.A.had intendedB.intendedC.intendingD.to intend
