单选题:The firemen told us the difficulty they had ___ the fire ___..

The firemen told us the difficulty they had ___ the fire ___.A.to get; under controlB.getting; controlledC.got; controlledD.getting; to control

Although _____considerable success as an artist, the young m..

Although _____considerable success as an artist, the young man keeps working hard. [ ]A. achieving B. achieved C. to achieve D. having achieved


I heard sounds of students reading____fromthe classroom.[ ]..

I heard sounds of students reading____fromthe classroom.[ ]A. roseB. raisedC. risingD. raising


Bats are surprisingly longlived creatures, some ________ a l..

Bats are surprisingly longlived creatures, some ________ a life span of around 20 years. [ ]A. havingB. hadC. haveD. to have


The number of New Yorkers ________ the twowheeled means of t..

The number of New Yorkers ________ the twowheeled means of transport has doubled.[ ]A. takesB. takenC. to takeD. taking


___ his work, he started to play the computer games.[ ]A. ..

___ his work, he started to play the computer games.[ ]A. Being finishedB. Having finished C. Finishing D. Having been finished
