翻译题:完成句子。1. With a house ________ _______ ______(出现在眼前..

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完成句子。 1. With a house ________ _______ ______(出现在眼前), we were all pleased as it was so cold and
rainy outside.
2. He saw a cloud coming down the mountain, ______ ______(遮住) the sun and burying everything in
its path.
3. She ________ _______ ______ (突然哭起来) when she learned her failure in the exam.
4. Stop spending so fast, or you’ll ________ _______ ______ (最终会成为) a beggar.
5. I can ________ _______ ______ (忍受) the house being untidy, but I hate it if it's not clean.
6. Experts________ _______ ______ (被请来) to advise the government.
7. Icy road conditions in Teesdale _______ _____ ______ (导致) two roads being closed so far.

AIDS is said ______ the biggest health challenge to both men..

AIDS is said ______ the biggest health challenge to both men and women in that area over the past few years.A.that it isB.to beC.that it has beenD.to have been


to sunlight for too much time, as the doctors say, will do h..

to sunlight for too much time, as the doctors say, will do harm to one's skin. [ ]A. Being exposedB. Having exposedC. Exposed D. After being exposed


The noise from the top floor, loud and constant, of the meet..

The noise from the top floor, loud and constant, of the meeting-room _____can be clearly heard in our classroom. [ ]A. being decorated B. having been decorated C. to be decorated D. decorated


________the training of the FDS company,JacksonSharoffwasoff..

________the training of the FDS company,JacksonSharoffwasofferedanimportantpositionin management.[ ]A. Receiving B. Having receivedC. Having been receivedD. Received


A beach house caught fire last night, ______seven students l..

A beach house caught fire last night, ______seven students living in it.A.to killB.killingC.having killedD.killed
