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When Percy Spencer invented the microwave, it changed the world greatly. People would no longer have to wait endless hours while cooking their food in an old-fashioned oven. Instead, using the microwave has allowed them to cook food in just seconds.

According to the medical website mercola.com, just about “ninety percent of Americans have microwaves in their homes”. However, is this convenient invention as perfect as it seems?

There are many reports of microwaves changing the original qualities of the food, which can cause cancer as well as changes in the body.

“Electro-magnetic (电磁的) radiation harms food, and changes substances cooked in it to dangerous products,” Dr. Lita Lee – chemist, nutritionist, author and lecturer – wrote in her book, Health Effects of Microwave Radiation – Microwave Ovens (1991).

However, the microwave is not only for food; microwaves are used in medicine as well. For example, it warms heating pads and used to warm blood used in transfusions (输血).

Norma Levitt, a hip surgery patient in an Oklahoma hospital (1991), died after blood being heated for her transfusion was altered in the microwave.A lawsuit followed and because of this incident, blood is no longer heated in the microwave.

Regardless of what has happened, big companies still claim that microwaves are great machines that have caused trouble to “few people” and have had “few consequences”. However, people should decide if saving a few minutes is more important than preventing cancerous cells from entering the body.

Dr. Jonathan Wright, Medical Director of Tahoma Clinic in Renton, Washington, considers the microwave unhealthy and recommends some alternatives.

“Try eating a lot of your food, like vegetables, uncooked. Ideally, at least one-third of the food in your diet should be uncooked, since this is the form that will give you the maximum amount of nutrients. If you do want to cook some food or heat up leftovers, use your stove (火炉),” he said.

These alternative cooking styles may take a little time from your day, but can help you lead a healthier and more stable lifestyle. These methods will allow you to get the most nutrients from your food, as well.

Health is not valued till sickness comes. In today’s fast-paced modern world, we should have more consideration towards peoples’ health.


Microwave: not necessarily safe

Brief (71)________

(72)________ of the microwave: Percy Spencer

Advantage of the microwave: saving (73)________

Percentage of Americans having microwaves: about 90%

Disadvantages of

the microwave

Fact: Electro-magnetic radiation is (74)_______ to food and can change substances to dangerous products.

Result: The microwave can (75)_______ the qualities of food, which may cause cancer.

Fact: The blood was (76)_______ in the microwave before being transfused.

Results: A blood transfusion caused the (77)_______ of a patient. A lawsuit was brought and the microwave has never been (78)________ in medicine ever since.

Dr. Wright’s opinion

To avoid harm from the microwave, people should eat more food without being (79)_______ and use stoves instead of the microwave if necessary.

Author’s attitude

We should (80)_______ more about health than convenience.



单位从业人员包括(  )。A第二职业者B兼职人员C在岗职工D再就业的离退休人员E离开本单位仍保留劳动关系的职工


平行四边形ABCD中,∠A+∠C=200°,则∠A=( )




[单选] 明知校舍或者教育教学设施有危险,而不采取措施,造成人员伤亡或者重大财产损失的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法追究()。A.民事责任B.刑事责任C.一般责任D.行政责任






