单选题:根据单词选择正确的中文意思。( ) 1. duck( ) 2. panda( ) 3...

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根据单词选择正确的中文意思。 ( ) 1. duck
( ) 2. panda
( ) 3. monkey A. 猫
A. 猫
A. 兔子 B. 狗
B. 熊猫
B. 猴子 C. 鸭子
C. 猴子
C. 狗

根据中文意思及所给字母写出单词。1. gneevin (晚上) _________..

根据中文意思及所给字母写出单词。1. gneevin (晚上) ________________2. camcni (电影院)________________3. tsirat (画家)________________4. acteh (教)________________5. rotca (男演员)________________6. obhyb (爱好)________________


填字母,使横竖行都成为身体部位词。1. _____________2. _____..

填字母,使横竖行都成为身体部位词。1. _____________2. _____________3. _____________4. _____________5. _____________6. _____________7. _____________8. _____________9. _____________10. _____________11. _____________


给下列单词、短语或句子选择相应的汉语。( ) 1. The sun shines..

给下列单词、短语或句子选择相应的汉语。( ) 1. The sun shines.( ) 2. The water goes up.( ) 3. Water freezes.( ) 4. otherwise( )5. My goodness!( ) 6. after thatA. 水(气)上升。B. 水结冰。C. 阳光照耀。D. 我的天啊!E. 后来F. 否则


选出每组单词中不同类的选项。( ) 1. A. strong( ) 2. A. Mo..

选出每组单词中不同类的选项。( ) 1. A. strong( ) 2. A. Monday( ) 3. A. lunch( ) 4. A. banana( ) 5. A. tall and strong( ) 6. A. watch TVB. shortB. tomorrowB. muchB. cakeB. sweet and sourB. play computer gamesC. saltyC. todayC. breakfastC. breadC. young and prettyC. have


根据中文意思选择合适的词填空。A. tasty B. salty C. sweetD..

根据中文意思选择合适的词填空。A. tasty B. salty C. sweetD. sourE. freshF. healthy1. The tofu is ______________ (有益健康的).2. The watermelon is ______________ (甜的).3. The orange is ______________ (酸的).4. The cucumbers are ______________ (新鲜的).5. The fish is ______________ (
