


In international trade, people buy and sell goods and then send them from one country to another. It can be a very risky business. If the goods are lost or damaged or if delivery does not take place as scheduled for some other reasons, the climate of confidence between the parties may deteriorate to the point where a lawsuit I launched. Nevertheless, the seller and the buyer in international transactions want their deal to be successfully completed.

Frequently, the parties to international transaction are not aware of the different trading practice in their counterpart’s country. This can give rise to misunderstanding, disputes and even litigation, causing waste of time and money. In order to avoid these problems and reduce to the minimum the uncertainties of different interpretations of the trade terms, the International Chamber of Commerce prepared and published in1936 a set of international rules, that is, International Rules for the Incoterms of Trade Terms(Incotems for short), and the interpretation of the most commonly unused trade terms.

Since 1936, the Incoterms have been revised several times to take account of changes in transportation techniques and to render them fully compatible with the new developments in electronic data interchange. Amendments and additions were made in 1953, 1967, 1976, 1980 and 1990 in order to bring the rules in line

中国共产党与各民主党派的合作基础是( )。

中国共产党与各民主党派的合作基础是( )。选择一项或多项:A.政治协商B.坚持中国动产党领导C.相互监督D.坚持四项基本原则


1954年《宪法》的基本原则包括(  )。

1954年《宪法》的基本原则包括(  )。选择一项或多项:A. 社会主义原则B.人民民主原则C. 权力制约原则D.法治原则


(判断题) 个性的形成是由遗传因素决定的。(本题1.0分)A、 trueB、 false

(判断题) 个性的形成是由遗传因素决定的。(本题1.0分)A、 trueB、 false
