She seemed to have detected some anger in his voice.

She seemed to have detected some anger in his voice.A.noticed B.heard C.realized


The sports meeting is cancelled due to the heavy rain.

The sports meeting is cancelled due to the heavy rain.A.because of B.regardless


The British government is helping Dr. Parton to sell the tes

The British government is helping Dr. Parton to sell the tests abroad.A.Right B


The fact that children arrive at school at about the same ti

The fact that children arrive at school at about the same time shows that _____


学习诗歌《天仙子》,教师要求学生结合全词表达的感情,理解“云破月来花弄影”这一名句,对这一活动分析正确的是( )。

学习诗歌《天仙子》,教师要求学生结合全词表达的感情,理解“云破月来花弄影”这一名句,对这一活动分析正确的是( )。 A.引导学生关注作者的语言风格与创作特点 B
