选择题:12. (阅读理解题)The residents of 24 Acacia Grove were d

12. (阅读理解题)
The residents of 24 Acacia Grove were dissatisfied with the condition of the property, so John Preston called a meeting to discuss things last week. At the meeting John suggested setting up a residents’ committee. Everyone was so worried and angry about the agent’s inactivity that they agreed, and they elected John as chairman of the committee. Many residents said that they were tired of telephoning the agent and tired of complaining about the flats. Although the agent was responsible for the flats, they thought that he didn’t do enough. Therefore John was asked to write to the agent and say that they were disappointed with the management of the flats.

The next service payment was due at the end of the month. However, they agreed not to pay it until they were happy with the plans to improve the property. They decided to tell the agent that he must start the work within one month. They all went away very pleased with themselves.

(1). Why did John Preston call a meeting last week? ( )(本题3.0分)
A、 Because the residents were dissatisfied with the present residents’
B、 Because the residents were dissatisfied with the bad management of the flats.
C、 Because some residents requested to change the present residents’ committee.
D、 Because he wanted to become Chairman of the committee.

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