
  • 题目分类:卫生类
  • 题目类型:单选题
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第48题__________ A.That's why it's possible for two kids with the same height, but different weights, to both be the right weight.
B.If you eat more calories than your body needs to use, you will gain too much weight.
C.Poor eating and exercise habits also run in families and this may be the reason the members of a family are overweight.
D.However, many overweight people have difficulty reaching their healthy body weight.
E.On the other hand, if you eat less and exercise more, you may lose weight.
F.If both your parents are tall, there is a good chance you'll be tall.


According to the passage, the normal aging process is_______

According to the passage, the normal aging process is__________.A.a process in w


Generally we remember only a few facts about the past.

Generally we remember only a few facts about the past.A.Right B.Wrong C.Not ment


It is difficult for him to make such decision.

It is difficult for him to make such decision.A.happy B.hard C.easy D.simple


Will you please call my husband as soon as possible?

Will you please call my husband as soon as possible?A.contact B.consult C.phone


He talks tough but has a tender heart.

He talks tough but has a tender heart.A.heavy B.strong C.kind D.wild
