单选题:回答题:U. S.Blacks Hard-hit by CancerDeath rates for cancer are

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U. S.Blacks Hard-hit by Cancer Death rates for cancer are falling for all Americans, but black Americans are stillmore likely to die of cancer than whites, the American Cancer Society saidMonday.
In a special report on cancer and black, the organization said blacks are usuallydiagnosed with cancer later than whites, and they are more likely to die of thedisease. This could be because of unequal (不平等的) access tomedical care, because blacks are more likely to have other diseases as well,and perhaps because, of differences in the biology (生手学)of the cancer itself, the report added.
"In general, black Americans have less hope of surviving five years after diagnosisthan whites for all cancer sites and all stages of diagnosis," the reportsaid.
"In describing cancer statistics for black Americans, this report recognizes thatmany of the differences associated with race may be caused by unfair social andeconomic differences and unequal access to medical care. "
The cancer society said blacks should be encouraged to get check-ups (体格检查) earlier, when cancer is more treatable, and it said more researchis needed to see if biological differences play a role.
"Thenew statistics emphasize the continuing importance of wiping out these unfairsocial differences through public policy and education efforts, " theorganization said in a statement.
But it also noted a drop in cancer death rates. "Cancer death rates in both sexesfor all sites combined have dropped greatly among black Americans since 1992,as have incidence rates (发生率), " said the report.
Black Americans are more likely to die of cancer than A.people in other countries
C.allother Americans

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Shewas close to success.A.fast B.quick C.near D.tight


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欧元的启动时间是 (  )A.1999年 B.2000年 C.2001年 D.2002年
