选择题:I looked at the men , and I thought my eyes were g

I looked at the men , and I thought my eyes were going.
.A. I looked at the men ,then I looked at something else.
B. I’m afraid to look at the men , so I tried not to not to look at them any more.
C. When I looked at the men , I realized that my eyesight was declining
D. Since I made great efforts to see them clearly, I knew that my eyesight was declining.

微型计算机中,控制器的基本功能是______。(本题3.5分) A、 实现算术运算和逻辑运算 B、

微型计算机中,控制器的基本功能是______。(本题3.5分) A、 实现算术运算和逻辑运算 B、 存储各种控制信息 C、 保持各种控制状态 D、 控制机器各个
