选择题:Mary: Do you like your job?

Mary: Do you like your job?

Linda: I don.t really like it.

Mary: Why not?

Linda: Because the回答

is low. The cost of living is increasing dramatically these days. I always spend more money than I earn.

Mary: Don.t回答

too much. I thought you got a good salary. Your salary is much higher than the white-collar average回答

of this city.

Linda: Just 4,000 yuan a month. It is said that couriers of our company can earn more than 6,000 yuan a month.

Mary: But that.s a really hard job. They work long hours every day, and they have to回答

the goods in all weather conditions. You just sit in the回答

office and don.t have to work outside.

Linda: Yeah, that.s for sure.

Mary: Your job is not difficult. You have no reason to complain.

Linda: Maybe you.re right.

29. (多选题) 以下哪几个函数属于日期时间类函数( )。(本题2.0分) A、 DATE() B

29. (多选题) 以下哪几个函数属于日期时间类函数( )。(本题2.0分) A、 DATE() B、 TIME() C、 DATETIME() D、 DTOC


Ebola is spread through direct contact with blood,

Ebola is spread through direct contact with blood, saliva, semen or vomit.选择一项:对


39. (判断题) Tomcat管理平台提供了控制每个Web应用的启动、停止和卸载的功能( )(本题

39. (判断题) Tomcat管理平台提供了控制每个Web应用的启动、停止和卸载的功能( )(本题2.0分) A、 正确 B、 错误
