单选题:The magic to personal digital pen Check out the personal dig

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The magic to personal digital pen
Check out the personal digital pen by Logitech: It’s a magic pen that can store everything you write and transfer it to your computer. And you don’t have t0 lug a hand—held device a10ng with you for it to work.
Logitech’s technology works like this:the pen writes normally,using normal ballpoint pen ink.But while you are writing,a tiny camera inside the pen is also taking 100 snapshots per second of what you are doing,mapping your writing via a patchwork 0f minute dots printed on the paper. AU this information-the movement of your pen on the paper,basically-is then stored digitally inside the pen,whether you are writing notes or drawing complex diagrams. You can store up to 40 pages worth of doodles in the pen’s memory. As far you are concerned,you are just using a normal pen.
It is only when you drop the pen into its PC-connected cradle(支架)that the fun begins.Special software on your PC will figure out what you have done, and begin to download any documents you have written since the last time it was there.Depending on whether you have ticked(打上记号) certain boxes on the special notepad(记事本),it can also tell whether the document is destined to be an e-mail,a“to do”task,or a diagram to be inserted into a word-processing document. Once the documents are downloaded you can view them,print them out or convert them to other formals.
The io personal digital pen is a neat and simply solution to the problem of storing,sharing and retrieving handwritten notes,as well as for handling diagrams,pictures and other non—text d00dling.
You don’t have to cant a 1aptop along with you.all you have to do is just whip out the pen and the special paper and you are off.
It is a great product because it does not force you to work differently-walking around with a screen strapped to your arm,or carrying with you extra hits and pieces.The pen is light and works like a normal pen if you need it to,while the special notepads look and feel like notepads.The Only strange looks will be from people who are curious about why your are writing with a cigar.
The io personal digital pen also has potential elsewhere. Fedex,for example, is introducing a version 0f the pen so that customers can fi11 out forms by hand—instead of punching letter into cumbersome devices. Once that data is digital more or less anything can be done with it-transferring it wirelessly to a central computer,for example, or via a hand-phone. Doctors could transmit their prescriptions direct to pharmacies,reducing fraud;policemen could send their reports back to the station,reducing paper work.
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