选择题:Liu Hui and Bai Mei are discussing who will be a s

  • 题目分类:人文英语1
  • 题目类型:选择题
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Liu Hui and Bai Mei are discussing who will be a safer driver after a party.

Bai Mei: Are you ready to take a 回答

in my new sports car?

Liu Hui: Yes, but you have been 回答

beer, so you.d better let me drive.

Bai Mei: OK, I guess I will trust you. You seem to know what you are talking about. You sure do know the law.

Liu Hui: Get in the car. Don.t forget to put on your seat belt.

Bai Mei: Do I have to? It is a hassle.

Liu Hui: Seat belts save 回答

, and it is the law. There can be no exceptions. It is better to be safe than sorry.

Bai Mei: I agree. When you are around, I just feel 回答

. You are a real gentleman.

Liu Hui: I am glad to hear that. Now, my beautiful passenger, where shall I drive you? To a romantic forest? A beautiful mountain? Or just to my house for wine and dancing?

Bai Mei: I just need you to drive me 回答

to my house. Thanks!

Liu Hui: Sometimes it is hard to be a gentleman.

–Would you mind joining us?

–Would you mind joining us?– _________________选择一项:A. I.d love to.B. Sure. Thank


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