选择题:Part Two 词语用法。(每题1.5分)第一部分选择合适的单词或词语填入句子确保句意表达完整准确

Part Two 词语用法。(每题1.5分)
uncivilized roll decent claim mean make
much good demon spot defeat incredible
1. The smog ______ in.
2. Old people are entitled to ______ a special heating allowance from the government.
3. We.ve only got one day in London, so let.s _____ the most of it and see everything.
4. He is really rude; I ______, he never says "Good morning".
5. John Smith thinks that the Indians are ______ people.
6. Now we have enough warriors to destroy those white_____.
7. It.s not like I have _____of a home to go back to.
8. This place is_____,and to think we came all this way just to dig it up for gold.
9. If you _____one, don.t ask questions. Just shoot.
10. It will do you _____ to have a holiday.

Part Three剧情理解。(每题6分)请使用简洁的英语准确地回答下列有关剧情的问题。

Part Three剧情理解。(每题6分)请使用简洁的英语准确地回答下列有关剧情的问题。1. Talk about the story of Pocahonta



我国行政伦理监察的一部重要规章《中华人民共和国行政监察条例》于哪年通过(D)。A.1980年 B.1957年 C.1987年 D.1990年


Part one 请写出cross在下列句子中的用法及含义1. What are you cross

Part one 请写出cross在下列句子中的用法及含义1. What are you cross about?2. She wears a small si


行政荣誉是社会舆论对行政组织及其行政人员的行为做出的( B )的道德评价以及行政人员的全体或个人对这

行政荣誉是社会舆论对行政组织及其行政人员的行为做出的( B )的道德评价以及行政人员的全体或个人对这种评价的自我意识。(P169)A. 否定性 B. 肯定性
