选择题:1、 Section A (10 points) Direction: In this sectio

1、 Section A (10 points) Direction: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. Choose one word for each blank from the following words in the blank. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Passage A In numerous studies, happy people share four traits. First, happy people like themselves. On questionnaires designed to 47 (____)self-esteem, they agree with 48 (____) such as “I’m a lot of fun to be with” and “I have good ideas.” They also see themselves as more ethical, more intelligent, healthier, and more likeable than other people. Secondly, happy people feel that they have control over their lives. They feel empowered instead of 49 (____) , so they do better in school and work, and deal with stress better. Research in prisons, nursing homes, and totalitarian countries has shown the 50 (____) effects of the lack of personal control. When people don’t have control over their lives, they 51 (____) from depression and poor health. This is also the case when 52 (____) poverty takes away people’s feelings of control in their lives. The third 53 (____) that happy people share is optimism. People who agreed with the statement, “When I 54 (____) something new, I expect to succeed,” were 55 (____) more successful, healthier, and happier. Fourth, 56 (____) have found that happy people are extroverts.
A,generally B.unrelated C.leadong D.traid E.encouraged F.measure G.suffer H.extreme I.prompt L.ineer M.statements N.depressing O.undertake

供给学派通货膨胀理论的一个突出特点在于,它对于通货膨胀的研究是从( )的角度展开的。

供给学派通货膨胀理论的一个突出特点在于,它对于通货膨胀的研究是从( )的角度展开的。选择一项:A.需求B.货币C.结构D.供给


6. 预算定额手册中的( ), 主要用于对预算定额的分析、 换算。A、 总说明 B、 分部说明 C、

6. 预算定额手册中的( ), 主要用于对预算定额的分析、 换算。A、 总说明 B、 分部说明 C、 分布说明 D、 附录
