选择题:1. What makes the brain better able to process inf

1. What makes the brain better able to process information?
A) Vigorous physical exercise. B) Skill-based exercise.
C) Both of them. D) Neither of them.
2. While _______ of rats showed a greater number of brain connections, _______ had a greater density of blood vessels in the brain.
A) the first group / the third group B) the second group / the third group
C) the first group / the second group D) the second group / the first group
3. One possible reason for scientists to make experiments with rats or other animals is that _________.
A) rats benefit from the experiments
B) the experiments can boost the brains of the rats
C) an effect found in rats may also apply to humans
D) rats and humans are very much alike
4. Which word in Paragraph 6 tells us that older adults were divided into groups in the human studies?
A) Corresponding. B) Inactive. C) Older. D) Faster.
5. Which of the following is not a finding that results from the studies of older adults?
A) Regular exercise can improve the speed with which the brain processes information.
B) Inactive adults can hit buttons faster in response to a tone after being trained.
C) Getting old is the cause for the reduction in mental function.
D) Exercise can make one smarter.


年金是指一定时期内每期等额收付的系列款项,下列各项中属于年金形式的是()。A.按照直线法计提的折旧 B.等额分期付款C.融资租赁的租金


下列有关惯性矩的说法正确的是()。 (A)惯性矩是对某一坐标轴而言的,同一截面图形对不同坐标轴的惯性

下列有关惯性矩的说法正确的是()。 (A)惯性矩是对某一坐标轴而言的,同一截面图形对不同坐标轴的惯性矩各不 相同; (B)惯性矩恒为正值; (C)在国际单位制中



某企业按年利率10%向银行借款10万元,银行要求保留20%的补偿性余额,那么企业该项借款的实际利率为()%。A.10 B.12.5 C.20
