选择题:下列教学片段选自某高中课堂实录,阅读后回答问题:T: Ok!Next, let's read the text and choose the best heading for each paragraph. Readthe passage and choose the best heading for each paragraph.(5 minutes later)T: Now, who can show us the answer?S1: B, A, C, F, E.T: You are cl

  • 题目分类:教师资格
  • 题目类型:选择题
  • 查看权限:VIP
T: Ok!Next, let's read the text and choose the best heading for each paragraph. Read
the passage and choose the best heading for each paragraph.
(5 minutes later)
T: Now, who can show us the answer?
S1: B, A, C, F, E.
T: You are clever, but, do you have any other ideas for Paragraph 3?
SI: Ohsorry, It's D.
T: Excellent!Now we have known the main meaning of each paragraph. This time let's
read each paragraph carefully. Then, make a group discussion and try to fill in the form. 10 minutes please.
(10 minutes later.)
T: Time is up. Which group wants to show your form to us? Ok, Group 1.
S2: ...
T: Well done. Do you agree with them?
Ss: Yes!
T: Ok, very good.
(2)该教学片段属于教学中的哪个环节?请评析教师在该片段中是如何实现其教学目标的。(1 1分)

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