选择题:请阅读短文,完成第小题。For many people, there is a very well-established stereotype that the first-class American universities are simply the best. However, I am not quite convinced of that. When I look back at my academic formation in the USA and compare it to the

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For many people, there is a very well-established stereotype that the first-class American universities are simply the best. However, I am not quite convinced of that. When I look back at my academic formation in the USA and compare it to the academic formation some of my friends had at Brazil, I don't feel like I am more prepared than my peers. Thus, I am currently facing adilem of whether to pursue my graduate studies in Brazil or in the USA.
The difference in our academic backgrounds, however, is the more liberal nature of American education. From my experience at Georgetown, and from what I know of American higher education, there are very few strict requirements imposed on students. Generally speaking, you are relatively free to take whichever classes you want, provided that they are under the scope of your major field of study.
Toil lustrate, I compared the master's degrees in economics from Duke and Fundao Get. Vargas(FGV), a Brazilian university. I chose to present a master's degree comparison here because the short two-year study period makes it simpler than comparing a four-year program. Duke's program works like this: you pick a field of study and then have a required number of courses that you have to take in certain areas. Most of the requirements are not course-specific, but area-specific. With some fields of study, you can skip certain areas altogether. If you choose to get a master's degree in applied economics, for instance, you don't have to take any mathematics courses. In FGV, all economics students need to take the same core structure: Microeconomics 1 through 4, Macroeconomics 1 through 3, Econometrics, Statistics 1 and 2, and Math for Economics 1 and 2. From then on, you can specialize in certain fields, and the elective structure seems to be the same as in Duke: you pick five electives from your main area of interest.
This seems to be the same kind of difference that I noticed comparing what I studied in Georgetown as an undergraduate to what some of my friends studied in their undergraduate careers in Brazil. Now, is this more liberal education good or bad? There are factors pulling it each way, and the ideal solution, in my view, is a reasonable middle ground. What I see happening in American universities, however, is a little too much liberalization. Too much liberty tends to encourage students to take the more "interesting" courses, and ignore those that are considered most "boring". The problem is that many of these "boring" courses are usually foundational courses, which give students the analytical tools they need in order to be truly competent in their fields of study.
In the end, I feel like American universities sometimes delegate too much responsibility to students in terms of choosing their academic careers. For me, this is troubling. Students in their twenties usually have very little experience in the field they are studying, and many times they don't really know the tools they need to succeed in their area of interest. It is certainly the case in my situation. Fortunately, I research and discuss a lot before picking my classes, and was able to take advantage of my liberal American education to build both a strong foundation and take classes that interest me. But is this always the case? From my experience, I think not. What I see happening at Georgetown is that many students just pick the classes they find most interesting, without any real consideration of how it is going to support their overall academic formation. This result is a deficit in fundamentals.
Which of following words is closest in meaning to "deficit" in the last PARAGRAPH?__________

What should you think about in trying to find your career? You are probably better at some school subjects than others. These may show strengths that you can use in your work. A boy who is good at mathematics can use that in an engineering career. A girl

What should you think about in trying to find your career? You are probably better at some school subjects than others. These may show strengths that you can use in your work. A boy who is good at mathematics can use that in an engineering career. A girl


请阅读短文,完成此题。When we analyze the salt salinity(盐溶度 ) of ocean waters, we find that it varies only slightly from place to place. Nevertheless, some of these small changes are important. There are three basic processes that cause a change in oceanic salinity.

请阅读短文,完成此题。 When we analyze the salt salinity(盐溶度 ) of ocean waters, we find that it varies only slightly from place to place. Nevertheless, some of these small changes are important. There are three basic processes that cause a change in oceanic salinit


Passage 1Kimberley Asselin sits in a rocking chair in front of her 22kindergartners, a glistening smile across her face as she greets them for themorning. Even at 9 a.m., she is effervescent and charismatic.Yet behind Asselin′s bright expression, her enth

Passage 1 Kimberley Asselin sits in a rocking chair in front of her 22kindergartners, a glistening smile across her face as she greets them for themorning. Even at 9 a.m., she is effervescent and charismatic. Yet behind Asselin′s bright expression, her e


根据提供的信息和语言素材设计教学方案,用英文作答。设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计一个25分钟的阅读训练活动。教案没有固定格式.但须包含下列要点:teaching objectivesteaching contentskey and difficult pointsmajor steps and time allocationactivities and justifications教学时间:25分钟学生概况:某城镇普通中学高中一年级学生,班级人数40人。多数学生已经达到《普通高中英语课程标准

根据提供的信息和语言素材设计教学方案,用英文作答。 设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计一个25分钟的阅读训练活动。 教案没有固定格式.但须包含下列要点: teaching objectives teaching contents key and difficult points major steps and time allocation activities and justifications 教学时间:25分钟 学生概况:某城镇普通中学高中一年级学生,班级人数40人。多数学生已经达到《


根据提供的信息和语言素材设计教学方案,用英文作答。设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材.设计一个25分钟的阅读训练活动。教案没有固定格式.但须包含下列要点:teaching objectivesteaching contentskey and difficult pointsmajor steps and time allocationactivities and justifications教学时间:25分钟学生概况:某城镇普通中学高中一年级学生,班级人数40人。多数学生已经达到《普通高中英语课程标准

根据提供的信息和语言素材设计教学方案,用英文作答。 设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材.设计一个25分钟的阅读训练活动。 教案没有固定格式.但须包含下列要点: teaching objectives teaching contents key and difficult points major steps and time allocation activities and justifications 教学时间:25分钟 学生概况:某城镇普通中学高中一年级学生,班级人数40人。多数学生已经达到《
