—You ________ takephotos here! Look at the sign. It says “No photos”. —Sorry, I

—You ________ takephotos here! Look at the sign. It says “No photos”. —Sorry, I won’t.


阿基米德多面体(Archimedean polyhedra)是由两种或三种正多边形面组成的半正多面体.它共有13种,其特点是棱长相等.如图1,顺次连接棱长为2的

阿基米德多面体(Archimedean polyhedra)是由两种或三种正多边形面组成的半正多面体.它共有13种,其特点是棱长相等.如图1,顺次连接棱长为2的正方体各棱的中点,得到一个阿基米德多面体


—________ I have two tickets for the Chinese Farmers’ Painting Exhibition? —Sorr

—________ I have two tickets for the Chinese Farmers’ Painting Exhibition? —Sorry. The tickets are s


— Is that man your friend Tom? —That man ________ be him,because he has gone to

— Is that man your friend Tom? —That man ________ be him,because he has gone to Canada.


—Our Party’s 100th birthday is coming. —Oh, great! We will have many activities

—Our Party’s 100th birthday is coming. —Oh, great! We will have many activities to ________ celebrat
