选择题:请阅读短文,完成此题。Results showed that at least a tenth of the Harvard first-year undergraduates polled admitted tohaving cheated on an exam prior to starting at the university, while almost half admitted to cheatingon their homework. An anonymous survey by Harva

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Results showed that at least a tenth of the Harvard first-year undergraduates polled admitted tohaving cheated on an exam prior to starting at the university, while almost half admitted to cheatingon their homework. An anonymous survey by Harvard's newspaper has revealed a surprisingpattern of academic dishonesty among students entering the US universities.
The survey by The Harvard Crimson was emailed to the incoming first year undergraduates;1,600 students responded. Results showed that at least a tenth of the students polled admitted tohaving cheated on an exam prior to starting at the university, while almost half admitted to cheatingon their homework.
Athletes were apparently the most prone to cheating.20 percent of students who played auniversity sport admitted to cheating on an exam compared to 9 percent of students who did not.The survey also revealed that men were not only more likely to cheat but were also more likely toadmit to it.
The results, compared to a previous survey done on the class of 2013, suggested that cheatingmay be becoming more commonplace. Of the outgoing seniors only 7 percent admitted to cheatingin an exam and another 7 percent said they had been dishonest on a take-home test.32 percent ofthe seniors said they had cheated on homework during their undergraduate years.
The surveys come in the wake of a cheating scandal at the university which saw 120 studentsinvestigated for sharing answers on an exam in 2012. One recent graduate stated: "Cheating wascommonplace when I was at Harvard, especially with students in their first year or two. I would sayas many as 60 percent of students took notes into some exams. No one really cared the faculty, wellsome of them at least, seemed to recognize and yet ignore the problem."
In an email to NBC News, Jeff Neal, a Harvard representative, explained that a committee,made up of faculty, staff and students had been established to tackle cheating, which "is a nationalproblem in American education".
He added: "While the vast majority of Harvard and other students do their work honestly,beginning this year Harvard College has implemented a new, more robust strategy of communicatingwith all students, particularly first-year students, about the importance--and the ways to achieve--academic integrity."
In a rebuff to critics who say university has become little more than an expensive party,84 percentof therespondingundergraduatesfullyexpectedtoprioritizetheiracademicsoverextracurricular activities, sport, employment and their social lives. Not a single student putacademics at the bottom of their list. Not content with confining themselves to their degree subject, 59 percent of incoming students expressed a desire to pursue a secondary field of study, and 36 percent hoped to learn a language.
Which of the following is not the measure taken by Harvard University?
A.The university has set up a committee made up of faculty, staff and students.
B.Communicate with students about the importance of academic honesty.
C.Punish the students who cheat and if cheat, with no diploma.
D.Communicate with students about how to achieve academic integrity.

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