选择题:请阅读短文,完成此题。Seventy years ago, more than 160,000 Allied troops stormed the beaches of Normandy during the D-Day invasion. And while we all know that day served as a huge turning point for the Allied cause you probably haven't thought much about what t

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Seventy years ago, more than 160,000 Allied troops stormed the beaches of Normandy during the D-Day invasion. And while we all know that day served as a huge turning point for the Allied cause you probably haven't thought much about what those ,soldiers carried with them to eat during and after the invasion. Food had to be lightweight, nutritious and very high in energy; after all, these men were about to invade Nazi-occupied land. As it happened, the one substance that could fulfill all those requirements was a very unlikely item--a Hershey's chocolate bar.
The Hershey chocolate company was approached back in 1937 about creating a specially designed bar just for U.S. Army emergency rations. According to Hershey's chief chemist SamHinkle, the U.S. government had just four requests about their new chocolate bars: they had tow eight 4 ounces, be high in energy, withstand high temperatures and "taste a little better than a
boiled potato". The final product was called the "D ration bar", a blend of chocolate, sugar, cocoa butter, skim milk powder and oat flour. The viscous mixture proved too thick to move through the normal chocolate bar manufacturing set up at the Hershey plant, so initially each bar had to be packed into its 4-ounce mold by hand.
As for taste, well, most who tried it said they would rather had eaten the boiled potato. The combination of fat and oat flour made the chocolate bar a dense brick, and the sugar did little to mask the overwhelmingly bitter taste to the dark chocolate. Since it was designed to withstand high temperatures, the bar was nearly impossible to bite into. Most men who ate it had to shave slices off with a knife before they could chew it. And despite the U.S. Army's best efforts to stop the men from doing so, some of the D ration bars ended up in the trash. Later in the war, Hershey introduced a new version, known as the Tropical bar, specially designed for extreme temperatures of the Pacific Theater. By the end of the war, the company had produced more than 3 billion ration bars.
But "Hitler's Secret Weapon", as many infantrymen referred to the chocolate bar, was hardly the only candy in the D-Day rations. Candy was an easy way to pep up the troops, and the quick burst of energy provided by sugar was a welcome addition to kit bags. Along with the D rations, troops received three days worth of K ration packs. These were devised more as meal replacements and not sustenance snacks like the D rations, and came completely with coffee, canned meats, processed cheese and tons of sugar. At various points during the war, men could find powdered orange or lemon drink, caramels, chewing gum and--of course--more chocolate. Along with packs of cigarettes and sugar cubes for coffee, the K ration packs provided plenty of valuable energy for fighting men.
Which of the following features of D Ration bars is NOT true according to the passage?__________
A.Light weight.
B.High energy.
C.Spicy taste.
D.Heat resistance.

请阅读短文。Do who choose to go on exotic, far-flung holidays deserve free health advice before they travel? And even if they pay, who ensures that they get good, up-to-date information? Who, for that matter, should collect that information in the first place?

请阅读短文。 Do who choose to go on exotic, far-flung holidays deserve free health advice before they travel? And even if they pay, who ensures that they get good, up-to-date information? Who, for that matter, should collect that information in the first place


材料一 《普通高中历史课程标准(实验)》规定:“了解中美关系正常化和中日建交 的主要史实,探讨其对国际关系产生的重要影响。”材料二 课文摘录:中美、中日关系正常化 朝鲜战争停战以后,中国希望美国从台湾海峡撤走它的武装力量,缓和中美关系。但美国继续敌视中国,利用台湾问题搞“两个中国”的阴谋。美国不仅继续在台湾海峡进行军事活动,还发动侵略越南的战争,从南面威胁中国。中美关系长期处于敌对的紧张状态。中国与绝大多数西方国家的外交基本隔绝。 20世纪70年代初由于世界局势发生重大变化,改善中美

材料一 《普通高中历史课程标准(实验)》规定:“了解中美关系正常化和中日建交 的主要史实,探讨其对国际关系产生的重要影响。” 材料二 课文摘录: 中美、中日关系正常化 朝鲜战争停战以后,中国希望美国从台湾海峡撤走它的武装力量,缓和中美关系。但美国继续敌视中国,利用台湾问题搞“两个中国”的阴谋。美国不仅继续在台湾海峡进行军事活动,还发动侵略越南的战争,从南面威胁中国。中美关系长期处于敌对的紧张状态。中国与绝大多数西方国家的外交基本隔绝。 20世纪70年代初由于世界局势发生


下面是某教师有关《从鸦片战争到八国联军侵华》的教学片段: 进行集体备课时,大家认为,如果能让学生置身于历史。去搜集有关鸦片战争时清朝社会各阶级、阶层的表现,从而自己归结出鸦片战争中国战败的根本原因.可能会收到较好的学习效果——不仅可以调动学生多渠道获取史料的积极性,培养他们灵活运用基本原理分析、评说历史问题的能力,掌握课标中的相关知识点,还有助于培养他们的辩证史观和正确的价值观,提高语言表达能力,形成对历史的深刻认识和社会责任意识。 于是,我们向学生推荐了一些有关鸦片战争的书籍以及和鸦片战争相关的网站。指

下面是某教师有关《从鸦片战争到八国联军侵华》的教学片段: 进行集体备课时,大家认为,如果能让学生置身于历史。去搜集有关鸦片战争时清朝社会各阶级、阶层的表现,从而自己归结出鸦片战争中国战败的根本原因.可能会收到较好的学习效果——不仅可以调动学生多渠道获取史料的积极性,培养他们灵活运用基本原理分析、评说历史问题的能力,掌握课标中的相关知识点,还有助于培养他们的辩证史观和正确的价值观,提高语言表达能力,形成对历史的深刻认识和社会责任意识。 于是,我们向学生推荐了一些有关鸦片战争的书籍以及和鸦片战争相关的网



1912年3月7日,临时参议院开始讨论。3月11日公布,规定民国主权属于国民全体。国民有人身、财产、言论、通信、居住和信教等自由,有请愿、选举、被选举的权利。在国家机构体制上,规定实行内阁制,内阁总理由议会的多数党产生,总理对总统要办的事项,如不同意,可以驳回,总统颁布命令需由内阁总理副署才能生效。法院由临时大总统及司法总长分别任命的法官组成,行使司法权。 一一摘编自郭廷以《近代中国史纲》 阅读下面材料,回答问题。 (1)请指出临时参议院公布的这份文件的名称及其性质。(4分) (2)依据材料说明这


根据下列材料设计教学片段。 (1)《普通高中历史课程标准(实验)》规定: 了解两次工业革命的基本史实。探讨其对资本主义市场发展的影响。 (2)课文摘录: 第一次工业革命后。欧美国家实现了初步的工业化,促进了世界市场的初步形成.大量积累的资本为新工业部门的创建和崛起提供了充足的资金。 科学技术的突破性成果和创新,直接推动了第二次工业革命的兴起。 1866年.德国工程师西门子发明世界上第一台大功率发电机,标志着第二次工业革命的开始。1879年,美国人爱迪生发明了电灯,以后他又改进了贝尔发明的电话.试验电车成功

根据下列材料设计教学片段。 (1)《普通高中历史课程标准(实验)》规定: 了解两次工业革命的基本史实。探讨其对资本主义市场发展的影响。 (2)课文摘录: 第一次工业革命后。欧美国家实现了初步的工业化,促进了世界市场的初步形成.大量积累的资本为新工业部门的创建和崛起提供了充足的资金。 科学技术的突破性成果和创新,直接推动了第二次工业革命的兴起。 1866年.德国工程师西门子发明世界上第一台大功率发电机,标志着第二次工业革命的开始。1879年,美国人爱迪生发明了电灯,以后他又改进了贝尔发明的电话
