选择题:This evening I met a friend at a local bar. She br

This evening I met a friend at a local bar. She brought her laptop 回答

得分 0.00/2.00 分 so she could show me some of her latest digital art designs. As we looked through her artwork, the laptop suddenly started making an unhealthy noise, then the screen twinkled on and off and then cut off 回答

得分 0.00/2.00 分. And as we both stared at one another surprisingly, the terrible smell of fried computer circuits appeared.

  I grabbed the laptop off the bar to inspect it and the problem instantly arose itself. The bottom of the laptop was completely wet and empty, spilt water glass rested against the side of her purse just behind where the laptop was sitting. While we were chatting and shifting the laptop.s 17 inch screen 回答

back and forth
得分 0.00/2.00 分, we somehow spilt a glass of water that the waiter had inadvertently (无意地) placed behind the screen, which was out of our view.

  When life throws id some troubles like this, it typically doesn.t make any sense to us, and our natural emotional reaction might get extremely 回答

得分 0.00/2.00 分 at the top of our lungs. But how does this help our dilemma? Obviously, it doesn.t.

  The smartest and hardest thing we can do in these kinds of situations is to be more tempered in our reaction. You.d be much wiser and more disciplined than scream extremely. You should remember that emotional rage only makes matters worse. And please remember that once it happens, that will give us an opportunity to grow stronger.

  Every difficult moment in our lives is accompanied by an opportunity for personal growth and 回答

得分 0.00/2.00 分. But in order to attain this growth and creativity.

  We must first learn to control our emotions. We must recognize that difficulties pass like everything in our life.

作业成本计算法下间接成本与产量之间的关系为( )。

作业成本计算法下间接成本与产量之间的关系为( )。选择一项:A.订购量越大,采用作业成本法计算的单位成本越高B.订购量越大,采用作业成本法计算的单位成本越低C





— Is it possible for you to work out the plan toni

— Is it possible for you to work out the plan tonight?—__________选择一项:A.I.ll do


采用分批法计算产品成本时,若是单件生产,月末计算产品成本时( )。

采用分批法计算产品成本时,若是单件生产,月末计算产品成本时( )。选择一项:A.需要将生产费用在完工产品和在产品之间进行分配B.不需要将生产费用在完工产品和在产


在大量生产的企业里,要求连续不断地重复生产一种或若干种产品,因而管理上只要求而且也只能按照( )。

在大量生产的企业里,要求连续不断地重复生产一种或若干种产品,因而管理上只要求而且也只能按照( )。选择一项:A.产品的步骤计算成本B.产品的批别计算成本C.产品
