选择题:Romance is the privilege of the rich, not the prof

Romance is the privilege of the rich, not the profession of the unemployed.
A. A rich person who doesn’t have a job can still have the right to fall in love.
B. Only rich people have the right to fall in love, while those who are poor and out of work
C. Rich as a person is, if he lose his job, he doesn’t have the right to fall in love.
D. Poor as a person is, if he is not out of work, he still has the right to fall in love.


用支出法计算国内生产总值时A A.将人们取得的收入加总B B.提供物质产品与劳务的各个部门的产值加总;C C.各生产要素在生产中所得到的各种收入加总D D.把购
