单选题:根据以下资料,回答题。  The earliest immigrants to North America found

  • 题目分类:英语
  • 题目类型:单选题
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根据以下资料,回答题。   The earliest immigrants to North America found Indians already living there.The Indians numbered about 500,000 at that time.Their society was a primitive society, but they lived peacefully and welcomed the white strangers to the land.However, these early immigrants from Europe didn't want to share the land with the natives.They killed off many of the Indians, seized their land or pushed them off to lands farther away.Today the Indians, not more than half a million, live in poverty and misery on the land on which they were once masters.
  The earliest immigrants were the Spanish, who settled in the southern part of what is now the US.The next large group were the English, after the English came the French, Dutch, Irish, Germans, and other nationality groups, mostly European.
  Another early group to arrive were the Negroes.But they were brought in as slaves from Africa.They didn't win freedom till generations later. Who were the earliest people living in North America? A. The Spanis
B. The Englis
C. The Negroe
D. The Indian


在2011年3月中国“谣盐”风波中,某人花10万元购入总计6.5吨食盐,国家调控后,盐价回落到每袋0.65元。关于本案,说法错误的是(  )。A.因重大误解,


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下列在施工过程发生的事件中,可以顺延工期的情况包括(  )。A.不可抗力事件的影响 B.承包人采购的施工材料未按时交货 C.施工许可证没有及时颁发 D.


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根据《合同法》规定,下列情形中,权利人不享有法定解除权的是(  )。A.运输建材的货车途中遭遇洪水,货物全部变质 B.施工过程中,承包人不满工程师的指令,将


某施工项目由于拆迁工作延误不能按约定日期开工,监理工程师以书面形式通知承包人推迟开工时间,则发包人(  )。

某施工项目由于拆迁工作延误不能按约定日期开工,监理工程师以书面形式通知承包人推迟开工时间,则发包人(  )。A.无须赔偿承包人损失,工期也不顺延 B.无须赔



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