选择题:7.Tom: You are playing guitar well. Can you read m

7.Tom: You are playing guitar well. Can you read music?
Charles: No, I don’t. I just listen to songs on the radio and then play them until they sound right.

Tom: _____

Charles: No, really.

A. You’re lying.
B. You’re kidding.
C. You are boasting.
D. You’re cheating.

选择隧道位置时,应注意洞口位置和有关工程的处理,一般宜采取____原则。A、 早进洞,早出洞B、 早

选择隧道位置时,应注意洞口位置和有关工程的处理,一般宜采取____原则。A、 早进洞,早出洞B、 早进洞,晚出洞C、 晚进洞,早出洞D、 晚进洞,晚出洞
