

  The marketing mix consists of ‘the four Ps’: providing the customer with the right product at the right price, presented in the most attractive promotion and available in the easiest place. The product is not just an assembled set of components: it is something customers buy to satisfy a need they feel they have. The image and the design of the product are as important as its specifications. Then the product must be priced so that it competes effectively with rival products in the same market. In addition, the product should be presented to customers through advertising (e.g. TV commercials, newspaper advertisements or posters), packing (e.g. design, labels, materials), publicity, public relation and personal selling. Finally, the product must be available to customers through the most cost effective channels of distribution. A consumer product must be offered to end-users in suitable retail outlets, or available on hire purchase or by mail order.

1. The author of the article intends to explain to us what the marketing mix is.回答

2. Customers’ satisfaction matters greatly to a product.回答

3. The price of a product must be exactly the same as rival products in the same market.回答

4. To make your product known to the public, advertising is the only consideration you need to take into account.回答

5. A product can reach customers, according to the text, through retail outlets, hire purchase, mail order and online sales.回答




6.墙身水平防潮层常用的三种构造做法是:防水砂浆防潮层、 防潮层 和油毡防潮层。

6.墙身水平防潮层常用的三种构造做法是:防水砂浆防潮层、 防潮层 和油毡防潮层。


( )8.What does the phrase “to get across” in the s

( )8.What does the phrase “to get across” in the sentence “…she prefers in-perso
