选择题:How did the dog perform his duties?A. He had few o

How did the dog perform his duties?
A. He had few opportunities to do them.
B. He was delighted to show them off.
C. He did them quickly to get them over.
D. He did his best but was not often successful.
17. What does the passage tell us about gun dogs?
A. They are the fastest runners of all dogs.
B. Their teeth are removed when they are young.
C. They breed well, producing many young dogs.
D. They can carry birds, etc. without hurting them.
18. As a result of Williams’ work _________.
A. he did not get enough sleep
B. the dog grew accustomed to travelling by train
C. there was an oily smell from his clothes
D. the dog was confused about the time of the day
19. It upset Williams’ wife and family when _________.
A. Williams had to go to work at night
B. Williams made them all get up early
C. the dog made too much noise in the house
D. the dog would not let them see the newspaper
20. Williams did not realise his loss for several days because _________.
A. he trusted the dog to find the wallet
B. he had no occasion to feel in his pockets
C. he thought the wallet was in the house
D. he was unconscious all that time

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在Word 2010的编辑状态,当前文档中有一个表格,选定某一行后,单击表格菜单中“删除列”命令后(

在Word 2010的编辑状态,当前文档中有一个表格,选定某一行后,单击表格菜单中“删除列”命令后( )。A、表格中的内容全部被删除,但表格还存在B、表格和内容



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