选择题:[单选题,7.1分] In the smoke and dust and darkness, peo

[单选题,7.1分] In the smoke and dust and darkness, people ________ to one another grabbing hands and linking arms, they formed a human chain that made its way down stairwells and corridors and out into the sunlight of an unthinkable day.

A.reaching up
B.reaching down
C.reaching for
D.reaching out

136.陈某,男,50 岁,素体畏冷,近日沐浴感寒,症见咳嗽咳痰清涕,发热恶寒,手足欠温,身倦乏力,

136.陈某,男,50 岁,素体畏冷,近日沐浴感寒,症见咳嗽咳痰清涕,发热恶寒,手足欠温,身倦乏力,曾服解表药诸证有增无减,舌苔薄白,脉沉迟,方用
