单选题:根据下列文章,请回答题。Text 1  The demoralizing environment, decrepit (

根据下列文章,请回答题。Text 1
  The demoralizing environment, decrepit ( 老朽的) building and minimal materials make the high school experience for these children an uphill battle, Merely graduating from such a high school is difficult,much less becoming a high-caliber science or engineering student. Schools with students from a higher socioeconomic level would not tolerate the obstacles I encountered daily. Improvements need to be made efficiently and made soon,or the divisions among people in this country will only become more extreme.
  Of course.there are things that concerned citizens can do to help. Get involved with a school,especially one in a poor area. Volunteer to give a presentation or just to spend time with the children. My students were excited to talk to an insurance salesperson who came to give a career exploration lecture. They not only were genuinely interested in the opportunities he described hut also were amazed that such a man would donate an afternoon to them.
Although those measures can help,they are not enough. For teaching to be effective, the entire environment of the inner city needs to be changed. Teaching someone the difference between velocity and acceleration is irrelevant if the person is hungry and scared. Programs that educate parents in child-rearing,organize low-income groups into cooperative units,fight drug trafficking and help to clean up the ghettos physically will improve the life in the community.
  The small alterations and "new" proposals currently filling the newspapers are certainly not strong enough to transform a decaying and demoralized school structure that has been disintegrating for decades. Inner-city schools need so much more,and the children deserve so much more than our society is willing to give. Like many other people, I entered the teaching profession eager to investigate change and found many institutionalized obstacles in my way. It should hoe be so difficult to make a difference.By saying "an uphill battle" ,the author means____ A.a tough tas?
B.a easy jo
C.an upgrade clas
D.climbing a hil

按照我国《证券法》的规定,下列论述不正确的是(  )。

按照我国《证券法》的规定,下列论述不正确的是(  )。A.发行人向不特定对象发行的证券,法律、行政法规规定应当由证券公司承销的,发行人应当同证券公司签订承销协议


从交易结构上看,可以将互换交易视为一系列远期交易的组合。(  )

从交易结构上看,可以将互换交易视为一系列远期交易的组合。(  )


双重选择权是可转换公司债券最主要的金融特征,它的存在使投资者和发行人的风险、收益限定在一定的范围以内。(  )

双重选择权是可转换公司债券最主要的金融特征,它的存在使投资者和发行人的风险、收益限定在一定的范围以内。(  )



备兑权证通常由投资银行发行,备兑权证所认兑的股票不包括新发行的股票和已在市场上流通的股票,所以会增加股份公司的股本。(  )


二级市场交易非常活跃是2006年以来我国资产证券化业务表现出的特点。(  )

二级市场交易非常活跃是2006年以来我国资产证券化业务表现出的特点。(  )
