选择题:6.Despite recent changes in attitudes, some advert

6. Despite recent changes in attitudes, some advertisements still fail to__________.
A. change women.s opinions of themselves
B. persuade the public to buy certain
C. show any understanding of people.s feelings products
D. meet the needs of the advertising products
7. According to the writer, the commonest fault of present-day advertising is to__________.
A. condemn the role of the housewife
B. ignore protests about advertisement
C. present a misleading image of women
D. meet the needs of the advertising industry
8. Research suggests that the reaction of women towards misrepresentation by
advertisements is _________.
A. unbelief B. hostility C. approbation D. apathy
9. Emma Bennett suggests that advertisement ought to__________.
A. give further emphasis on practice
B. pay more compliments to women than before
C. use male images instead of female ones.
D. change their style rather than their content
10. Ultimately the advertising industry should__________.
A. take its job more earnestly
B. take notice of the public opinion
C. do more pioneering work
D. concentrate on the products advertised

30、建设工程安全生产管理制度包括( )。A.安全生产教育培训制度B.安全生产检查制度C.群

30、建设工程安全生产管理制度包括( )。A.安全生产教育培训制度B.安全生产检查制度C.群防群治制度D.安全生产制度E.安全责任追究制度


从研究方法论的角度看,研究者对个案性的“深度访谈法”倍加青睐。这类研究者所持有的课程实施取向是 A、

从研究方法论的角度看,研究者对个案性的“深度访谈法”倍加青睐。这类研究者所持有的课程实施取向是 A、课程忠实取向B、课程相互适应取向C、课程创生取向D、课程实践


19 以银行存款交纳产品销售税金3000元和企业所得税13000元。

19 以银行存款交纳产品销售税金3000元和企业所得税13000元。


53、有下列( )情形之一的,劳动者可以随时通知用人单位解除劳动合同。A.用人单位管理人员违

53、有下列( )情形之一的,劳动者可以随时通知用人单位解除劳动合同。A.用人单位管理人员违章指挥B.在试用期内的C.用人单位濒临破产D.用人单位未



企业归集在“停工损失”科目借方的停工损失,应按照有关停工原因由该科目的贷方分别转入下列哪些相关科目的借方( )A其他应收款 B基本生产成本 C管理费用
