单选题:根据短文内容,回答题。Concerning money or anything else, conflicts betw

Concerning money or anything else, conflicts between husband and wife usually reflect a power struggle. Conflicts between parent and child often centre around the same issue. As children enter adolescence, they begin to demand greater freedom to go where they please, do what they please, and make decisions without parental interference. Many American parents do not know how to deal with their teenagers and seek advice from books, lectures, and parent training courses. Parents want to maintain a friendly relationship with their teenagers and also want to guide them so that their behavior will be whatever the parents consider proper and constructive.
But in a society of rapidly changing social and moral values, parents and children often disagree about what is important and what is right.
Arguments may concern such unimportant matters as styles of dress or hairdos. But quarrels may also concern school work, after school jobs, decisions, use of the family car, dating, and sex behavior. Some families have serious problems with teenagers who drop out of school, run away from home, or use illegal drugs. Because so much publicity is given to the problem teenager, one gets the impression that all teenagers are troublemakers. Actually, relatively few adolescents do anything wrong, and nearly all grow up into "solid citizens" who fulfill most of their parents' expectations. In fact, recent studies show that the "generation gap" is narrowing. The vast majority of teenagers share most of their parents' values and ideas. Many parents feel that they get along with their adolescents quite well.
According to the writer, conflicts between husband and wife usually reflect__________. A.feeling of hatred
B.power straggle
C.that they don' t care for each other
D.that they may appeal to divorce



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证券公司申请为期货公司提供中间介绍业务资格,应当符合的条件包括(  )。A.配备必要的业务人员 B.具有满足业务需要的技术系统 C.已按规定建立期货保证金安全存
