单选题:根据以下内容,回答题。From: Restaurant ManagementTo: All StaffAttention

  • 题目分类:中国银行
  • 题目类型:单选题
  • 查看权限:VIP
From: Restaurant Management
To: All Staff
Attention workers:
Ally's Seafood House will be closed for an entire week at the beginning of March while our kitchen equipment is updated in accordance with the latest health standards. Specific dates for the closure will be announced as soon as we receive notification from the maintenance company.
Unfortunately, hourly workers will be forced to take a week of unpaid leave during the sched-uled maintenance, but it will not be subtracted from your allotted vacation days. Time off for salaried workers will be paid.
Please direct any questions about the closure to your supervisor or shift manager.
Keep up with the hard work!
What does the notice mainly discuss? A.An approaching pay cut
B.Employees' vacation schedules
C.An upcoming renovation
D.Newly hired kitchen supervisors


I don't care whether he is honest or not; __________ I don't

I don't care whether he is honest or not; __________ I don't like him.A.anyway B


The old car__________on the way to work again, so he had to

The old car__________on the way to work again, so he had to walk to his office.A


The guide then led us to a(n) __________bridge behind the pa

The guide then led us to a(n) __________bridge behind the palace.A.Chinese old s



我国制定和处理民族关系的基本原则和基本政策是以()。 A.民族区域自治为基础 B.民族平等为基础 C.统一的多民族国家长期存在为基础 D.民族分布特点为基础



在交谈中使用的语言不标准不规范,会使人误解,令交谈无法顺利进行,导致不良的后果,这种应该避免的行为属于()。 A.脏嘴 B.杂嘴 C.刀子嘴 D.荤嘴
