单选题:根据以下内容,回答题。Rase Chemical Corporation is proud to submit its

  • 题目分类:中国银行
  • 题目类型:单选题
  • 查看权限:VIP
Rase Chemical Corporation is proud to submit its entry to the annual Chemistry Innovation in Motion contest to be held in the Royal Park Hotel, Vancouver, Canada, September 6-10. Our entry
introduces what we believe is an extraordinary product.
The product is a new type of insulation material providing benefits that traditional housing in-sulation products do not offer. Thanks to its unique microstructure, the new material can keep houses up to 50 percent warmer in the cold winter months. This means that using our insulation will result in substantial reductions in consumer heating hills. In addition, our new insulation mate-rial is made without the harmful chemicals often found in other insulating products, making it safer to use and easier to dispose of. Moreover, the insulation functions well in all types of climates.
Consumers living in humid or dry areas will equally benefit from our new insulation.
We invite all scientists and observers to visit our information booth at the Chemistry Innova-tion in Motion contest and to meet Bernard Cho, CEO of Rase Chemical Corporation, who will be giving a presentation on the product at 9:00 A,M. on September 9.
What can be inferred about the new insulation? A.It is most useful in a small house
B.It represents an innovation in chemistry
C.It needs to be tested in a dry climate
D.It is currently being used at the Royal Park Hotel


The relative pronoun "which" in the last paragraph (Line 6)

The relative pronoun "which" in the last paragraph (Line 6) refers to (  ).A.exp


根据《行政诉讼法》的规定,下列关于行政诉讼的管辖说法正确的有(  )。

根据《行政诉讼法》的规定,下列关于行政诉讼的管辖说法正确的有(  )。A.确认商标权的案件、确认发明专利权的案件应由中级人法院管辖 B.最高人民法院管辖全国范围


下列关于最小变动单位的说法中,错误的是( )。

下列关于最小变动单位的说法中,错误的是( )。A.期货合约最小变动单位的确定,取决于该合约标的资产的种类、性质、市场价格波动情况和商业规范等 B.最小变动单位是


( )是指拟上市公司首次面向不特定的社会公众投资者公开发行股票筹集资金并上市的行为。

( )是指拟上市公司首次面向不特定的社会公众投资者公开发行股票筹集资金并上市的行为。A.再融资 B.股票回购 C.股票拆分 D.首次公开发行


下列属于权证要素的是( )。I.权证类别Ⅱ.标的资产Ⅲ.赎回条款Ⅳ.回售条款

下列属于权证要素的是( )。I.权证类别Ⅱ.标的资产Ⅲ.赎回条款Ⅳ.回售条款A.I、Ⅱ B.Ⅱ、Ⅳ C.I、Ⅱ、Ⅲ D.I、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ
