单选题:根据资料,回答题。Decide which of the choices given below would best

  • 题目分类:专四
  • 题目类型:单选题
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Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for each blank on your answer sheet.
A person's home is as much a reflection of his personality as the clothes he wears, the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time. Depending on personality, most have in mind a (n) "(31) __ home". But in general, and especially for the student or new wage earners, there are practical (32) __ of cash and location on achieving that idea.
Cash (33) ___, in fact, often means that the only way of (34)___ when you leave school is to stay at home for a while until things (35)__ financially. There are obvious (36) __ of living at home--personal laundry is usually (37) ___ done along with the family wash; meals are provided and there will be a well-established circle of friends to (38).__ And there is (39)___ the responsibility for paying bills, rates, etc.
On the other hand, (40) ___ depends on how a family gets oft Do your parents like your friends? You may love your family--(41) ___ do you like them? Are you prepared to be (42) ___ when your parents ask where you are going in the evening and what time you expect to be back? If you find that you cannot manage a (n) (43)___ , and that you finally have the money to leave, how do you (44) ___ finding somewhere else to live?
If you plan to stay in your home area, the possibilities are (45) ___ well-known to you already. Friends and the local paper are always (46) ___. If you are going to work in a (47) __ area, again there are the papers--and the accommodation agencies, (48)____ these should be approached with (49)__ Agencies are allowed to charge a fee, usually the (50)___of the first week's rent, if you take accommodation they have found for you.

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