选择题:[阅读题,10分] Dad said it would be an unusual present,

[阅读题,10分] Dad said it would be an unusual present,and he was quite right.He said,“Go to the telephone and call a ten-figure number,it must begin with 010.Got that—010?You can please yourself about the other seven figures.”I called the number 010 3612597.A few moments later I heard a man.s clear voice at the other end.The voice said,“Kikri 2597.Don Flower speaking.”I said,“Hello,Mr.Flower.I.m Robert West,and this call to you is one of my birthday presents.I.m thirteen today——”“Oh,that.s great.Many happy returns of the day!Where are you calling from,Robert?You sound very clear.”“I.m at home in London.Where are you?”“You.re in London!Well,well——I.ve never had a call from London before.I live in Kikri,in Australia.About a hundred miles from Kikri,actually,but it.s the nearest place.I.ve got a small farm here,with about ninety thousand sheep on it.You ought to come and visit me one day.”“I.d like to,very much.Your farm must be very big,Mr.Flower,if you.ve got ninety thousand sheep on it.” “Well,there may be only eighty thousand by now.I.m not too sure.There.s not a lot of feed for them,you know,and two of my wells have gone dry this month.So we.ve been driving the sheep around a bit.If you go straight across the middle of my farm,it.s a hundred and ten miles.That isn.t a great size for a farm in Australia,but it.s big enough for me!”We talked for three minutes,and it was very interesting.I gave Mr.Flower my telephone number.He promised to ring me on my birthday next year.
1.“You can please yourself about the other seven figures”means _______.
A.say “please” when you call the number
B.feel pleased to make the call yourself
C.choose the other seven figures yourself
D.be pleasant when you dial the other seven figures
2.When Mr.Flower said “You.re in London!Well,well—”,he was _______.
A.very surprised
B.very well
C.very sorry
D.out of breath
3.Mr.Flower has been driving his sheep around a bit because _______.
A.his farm was too small for ninety thousand sheep
B.his farm was only 110 miles straight across the middle
C.he was afraid someone would steal more of his sheep
D.there wasn.t enough feed or water on his farm for the sheep
4.Which detail from the passage shows that Australia is a big country?
A.One must dial a 10-figure to reach Australia.
B.Mr.Flower lived one hundred miles from Kikri.
C.Mr.Flower now had only eighty thousand sheep on the farm.
D.Mr.Flower.s farm isn.t considered a big one in Australia.
5.The best title for this passage is perhaps _______.
B.A Birthday Present
C.Robert West and Don Flower
D.A Phone Call

利用器械做健美操,主要目的发挥器械的( )。

利用器械做健美操,主要目的发挥器械的( )。A、重量B、形状C、惯性D、运动方式


准备活动的作用在于( )。

准备活动的作用在于( )。A、能克服机体生理惰性B、有利偿还氧债和消除疲劳C、能预防运动损伤D、能调节运动情绪



