单选题:阅读下列短文,选出能填入的最佳答案: What kinds of people often give drugs to

What kinds of people often give drugs to their children?Where in the world do people take drug before going to work?The answers are simple--ordinary people,juM about_33_.
And the drug_34_question is caffeine.Scientists estimate that over 70%of the world’Spopulation takes caffeine daily._35_ drink it in tea and coffee.Children drink in tin Coca Colaand_36_ soft drinks.It is also found in chocolate._37_,most people in the most places at anytime are under the_38_of the drug.
There have been many scientific investigations_39_ the exact effects of caffeine.Most peo-pie agree that it_40_ the nervous system and helps the body make efficient use of energy.This iswhy many people_41_ Asia drink tea with food and why westerners often end their meals_42_a cup of coffee.
Because the effect of caffeine is so_43_,there have been_44_ attempts to stop people U-sing it.A U.S.religious group which_45_ the use of caffeine is generally regarded as eccentric(反常的).But because nearly everybody takes it,the total effect of caffeine_46_ people ishuge.Caffeine is the drug that changed the world.
Both tea and coffee were introduced to the West around 300 years ago.The effect of thesenew drinks was felt_47_.In New York,coffee houses were_48_ with people making plans,_49_ business and doing deals.And the deals done in the coffee houses were partly responsible _50_a rapid increase in American trade.History was moving_51_ that direction anyway.Butthe arrival of coffee_52_everything up.


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