选择题:[阅读题,33.3分]`An eight-year-old child heard her pare

`An eight-year-old child heard her parents talking about her little brother. All she knew was that he was very sick and they had no money. Only a very expensive operation could save him now and there was no one to lend them the money.

When she heard her daddy say to her tearful mother, “Only a miracle can save him now,” the little girl went to her bedroom and pulled her money from its hiding place and counted it carefully.

She hurried to a drugstore (药店) with the money in her hand.

“And what do you want?” asked the salesman. “It’s for my little brother,” the girl answered. “He’s really, really sick and I want to buy a miracle.” “Pardon?” said the salesman.

“My brother Andrew has something bad growing inside his head and my daddy says only a miracle can save him. So how much does a miracle cost?” “We don’t sell a miracle here, child. I’m sorry,” the salesman said with a smile.

“Listen, if it isn’t enough, I can try and get some more. Just tell me how much it costs.”

A well-dressed man heard it and asked, “What kind of a miracle does your brother need?”

“I don’t know,” she answered with her eyes full of tears. “He’s really sick and mum says he needs an operation. But my daddy can’t pay for it, so I have brought all my money.”

“How much do you have?” asked the man. “$ 1.11, but I can try and get some more,” she answered.

“Well, what luck,”

[单选题,4.5分] 把计算机产生的数字信号转换成模拟信号在线路中传输的方式称为A.基带传输B.宽带

[单选题,4.5分] 把计算机产生的数字信号转换成模拟信号在线路中传输的方式称为A.基带传输B.宽带传输C.调制D.解调






以下不属于多媒体声卡功能的是 A. 录制音频文件 B. 录制视频文件 C. 可与MIDI设备连接 D. 压缩和解压缩文件
