选择题:二、考题解析【教案】Teaching Aims:Knowledge aims:(1) Students will master two difficult words,such as universal, unfamiliar.(2) Students will learn knowledge about body language.Ability aim: Students are able to understand the meaning of body language in their dail

  • 题目分类:教师资格
  • 题目类型:选择题
  • 查看权限:VIP

Teaching Aims:
Knowledge aims:
(1) Students will master two difficult words,such as universal, unfamiliar.
(2) Students will learn knowledge about body language.
Ability aim: Students are able to understand the meaning of body language in their daily life and can improve the ability in scanning and skimming.
Emotional aim: Students can show their feelings with body language in reality.
Teaching Key Points:
Students can know the meaning of various body languages.
Teaching Difficult Points:
Students are able to express their feelings with body language in reality..
Teaching Methods:
Communicative teaching method, task-based teaching method, situational teaching method.
Teaching Aids:
PPT, Blackboard and so on
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1: Warming up
2.Play a clip from a popular American TV series Lie to me (many body languages are shown in it), invite two students to talk about their feelings.
Step 2: Pre-reading
1.Let’s say. Lead students to talk about body languages that we usually see in our daily life.
Step 3: While-reading
1.Fast reading. Read the passage for the first time and ask students to summarize the main idea.
2.Careful reading. Read the passage for the second time with questions.
(1) How many body languages are mentioned in the passage when we meet others?
(2) what is the difference in different countries? Talk it in details.
Step 4: Post-reading
Divide all students into several groups and give them five minutes to discuss other body languages that we usually use. After that, invite three students to share.
Step 5: Summary & Homework
Summary : students look at the blackboard and summarize this class.
Homework:students surf the internet and collect more information about body language..
Blackboard design:



女性,50岁,反复上腹疼痛20年,近1周出现频繁呕吐,呕吐量大,呕吐物为宿食,不含胆汁。查体:可见胃型,振水音阳性。最可能的诊断是() A.幽门梗阻 B.小肠梗阻 C.食管裂孔疝 D.胃癌 E.十二指肠溃疡


在学习《伤仲永》时,教师设计了一道练习题:“试分析一个天才孩童最终变得连平凡人都不及的原因”。对这一练习的设计意图,分析正确的是(  )。

在学习《伤仲永》时,教师设计了一道练习题:“试分析一个天才孩童最终变得连平凡人都不及的原因”。对这一练习的设计意图,分析正确的是(  )。A.意在让学生整体把握课文的内容.了解文章大意 B.意在指导学生分析文中的人物形象 C.目的在于引导学生对课文主旨的深入探究 D.再现文章的语言艺术,体现文章的语言美



环境污染对健康的直接损害不包括A.急性中毒 B.机体免疫力下降 C.儿童佝偻病的发病率增高 D.变态反应 E.致癌作用






狂犬病毒主要侵犯的部位是A.呼吸系统 B.循环系统 C.消化系统 D.神经系统 E.运动系统
