单选题:That was the only gate _____ we could rush out and save thos..

  • 题目分类:状语从句
  • 题目类型:单选题
  • 查看权限:VIP
That was the only gate _____ we could rush out and save those _____ were in great danger.A.that; whichB.which; whoC.through which; whoD.at which; who

That art centre is______used to be a factory,________million..

That art centre is______used to be a factory,________millions of cars were made in.A. what; whichB. where;whereC. what; whereD.where; which


A decision has been made ________ the new school building be..

A decision has been made ________ the new school building be built next month.A.whyB.howC.whetherD.that


This is the magazine _______ I copied the paragraph.A.that ..

This is the magazine _______ I copied the paragraph.A.that B.which C.from that D.from which


These countries will join one another against terrorism, was..

These countries will join one another against terrorism, was agreed to at the international conference.A.asB.whoC.thatD.what


Ms. Claire is a strict but kind teacher, _____ who, usually..

Ms. Claire is a strict but kind teacher, _____ who, usually, _____ her students.A.ones; are liked byB.one; are liked byC.ones; is popular amongD.one; is popular with
