Only when the government increases affordable homes for low-..

Only when the government increases affordable homes for low-income groups________. A.the imbalance of demand and supply can be removedB.can be removed the imbalance of demand and supplyC.can be the imbalance of demand and supply removedD.can the imbalance


The door opened and _____ a middle-aged woman with fashionab..

The door opened and _____ a middle-aged woman with fashionable clothes. [ ]A. came inB. in cameC. did come inD. in did come


Only then(他意识到) that his stubbornness caused such great ..

Only then(他意识到) that his stubbornness caused such great damage to the basketball team.(realize)


For a moment nothing happened. Then ________ all shouting t..

For a moment nothing happened. Then ________ all shouting together.[ ]A. voices had comeB. came voicesC. voices would comeD. did voices come


I don’t know if you noticed their absence or not, but we __..

I don’t know if you noticed their absence or not, but we ________.A.didB.haveC.hadD.were
