I failed in the examination last term and only then ____ the..

I failed in the examination last term and only then ____ the importance of studies. A.I realizedB.I had realizedC.had I realizedD.did I realize


_____ I shouted at the top of my voice _____ turn his head...

_____ I shouted at the top of my voice _____ turn his head.A.Not until; did heB.Not until; he did C.Until; he did notD.Until; did he not


—— There will be a storm soon. —— I am afrai?_____. A.itB..

—— There will be a storm soon. —— I am afrai?_____. A.itB.notC.there won’tD.maybe


_______a mobile phone can _______you ring you want to talk w..

_______a mobile phone can _______you ring you want to talk with anywhere.A.Using;whoever B.Only on;whomeverC.By;whomeverD.Not only with;whoever


For a moment nothing happened then _____all shouting togethe..

For a moment nothing happened then _____all shouting together. [ ]A. voices had come B. came voices C. voices would come D. did voices come
