He didn’t make _____ clear when and where the meeting would..

He didn’t make _____ clear when and where the meeting would be held.[ ]A. thisB. thatC. itD. these


The two girls are so alike that strangers find _____ difficu..

The two girls are so alike that strangers find _____ difficult to tell one from the other. [ ]A. it B. them C. her D. that


________ occurred to me that the murder happened ________ a ..

________ occurred to me that the murder happened ________ a rainy day. [ ]A. What; inB. What; onC. It; inD. It; on


My father admitted that when _____comes to pop music, he had..

My father admitted that when _____comes to pop music, he had little knowledge of it. [ ]A. he B. that C. this D. it


_____ he will return to his native land. [ ]A. It is long ..

_____ he will return to his native land.A. It is long before that B. It is before long that C. It won't be long beforeD. It will be long before that
