— How are you doing all these years, Jim? — Nothing new. E..

— How are you doing all these years, Jim? — Nothing new. Everything is going on ____it was years ago. [ ]A. as B. while C. whenD. since



WhatismostobviousinthisbookareallthosedetailsofdailylivingwhichmakeMrs.Richard___common.[ ]A.nothingbut B.anythingbut C.aboveall D.ratherthan


One day Chuck is ______ a flight ______ the Pacific Ocean su..

One day Chuck is ______ a flight ______ the Pacific Ocean suddenly ______ his plane crashes.[ ] A. in; over; whileB. on; across; whenC. with; through; then D. on; across; as


Mary was on the point of leaving the room ___________the tel..

Mary was on the point of leaving the room ___________the telephone rang.[ ]A. when B. while C. asD. but


Their country has plenty of oil, __________ ours has none.[..

Their country has plenty of oil, __________ ours has none.[ ]A. when B. while C. before D. where
