—Why didn't you chat with that friendly foreigner just now?..

—Why didn't you chat with that friendly foreigner just now?— I'd like to, but the trouble was ________ he said was difficult for me to understand. [ ] A. what which B. that whatC. that thatD. what that



Tomwasabouttoclosethewindow_____hisattentionwascaughtbyabird.[ ]A.whenB.if C.andD.till


He found it increasingly difficult to read,__________his eye..

He found it increasingly difficult to read,__________his eyesight wasbeginning to fall.[ ]A. though B. for C. but D. so


_______ you call me to say you're not attending my birthday..

_______ you call me to say you're not attending my birthday party, I'll see you at it.[ ]A.WhetherB.ThoughC.UntilD.Unless


_____ you will carry out my instructions or I will offer the..

_____ you will carry out my instructions or I will offer the job to someone else. [ ]A. Either B. Unless C. Until D. Whether
