单选题:根据以下内容回答题 In a global survey released in 2012, half the resp

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In a global survey released in 2012, half the responders admitted to buying things they really did not need. Two thirds are worried that consumers are buying too much. Such concerns may be justified. Many consumers have become trapped in debt.
Researchers say that instead of making us more satisfied, high levels of consumption may lead to greater stress and unhappiness!
As consumers, we are subjected to a great amount of marketing. What is the goal of marketers? To mm wants into needs. Marketers know that consumer behavior is driven largely by emotion. So advertisements and the shopping experience itself are designed for maximum emotional appeal.
When you ask a consumer: Why do you buy so much? He or she may answer: I want to improve my quality of life. It is natural that people want a better life. Advertisers bombard us with messages that all of our desires—better health, security, relief from stress, and closer relationships—can be achieved by making the right purchases.
But actually, as our number of possessions increases, our quality of life can actually decrease. Additional time and money are needed to care for more material things. Stress levels rise because of pressure from debt, and there is less time for family and friends. So you should protect yourself from becoming a victim of clever marketers. You should put emotion aside, and compare marketing promises with reality.
The first paragraph tells us that ____________. A.half the things people buy are not needed
B.most consumers are trapped in debt
C.excessive buying is common
D.consumption brings satisfaction


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我国《刑法》第六十一条规定,对于犯罪分子决定刑罚的时候,依照本法的有关规定判处。这一规定体现了(  )原则。A.法律面前人人平等 B.罪刑相适应 C.罪刑法定


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